
Work #1:

My first work from senior year was the video I created in Government class. The project was to create a campaign video for yourself as if you were running to be member on Community Board 7 on the Upper West Side. I was running for the transportation branch so in my video I talked about the importance of bike lanes. I am really proud of this piece because in the video it talks about how I contribute to the community.  I also did well on this project.

Work #2:

The next piece I chose was a Pre-calculus project. In this project we had to pretend to create a museum exhibit with 3 pieces of work, and write a little blurb explaining what each piece was. I focused my exhibit on the graph I made on a website called Grapher. The graph looked like a star so I chose two other pieces that looked like or are stars as well. I chose a starfruit, and a painting of a star. Math is always my weakest subject but I did great on this project.

Work #3:

The last piece I chose was a power point that I made in Advanced Biology. The assignment was to create a power point, and choose an animal and make up its evolution for the next  10,000 years. I chose a Boar. I did excellent on this project as well. It shows creativity and what I learned about evolution throughout the course of the class.